Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

Are there any sign up fees?

No! We will only ever bill you after a month where you have made a profit - we cover all infrastructure costs associated with each account.

How does billing work?

You will receive an email from us and PayPal on the 1st of each month. Each email will have a link to your invoice for the previous month, which can be settled using PayPal or simply by debit/credit card.

How do I get my referral rewards?

Your referral rewards will be paid out on the 1st of each month, after being subtracted from any fees you owe for that month.

You will receive an email from PayPal outlining how to claim this payout, and will need to create a PayPal account in order to receive the money.

Are there risks involved?

When placing any bet there will be risks involved, and using our system cannot completely eradicate those risks. However, over a large enough sample size, every user that has used our service has made a profit, and we have placed 10s of thousands of bets with an average profit of around 10% per pound wagered.

The system has a high amount of variance, so you can expect periods of losing, however over longer periods we can anticipate a profit overall.

My profit and loss has big swings - is this normal?

This is perfectly normal, and a good demonstration of variance. Try looking at your profit and loss less frequently if you feel uncomfortable with the swings - this should smooth out the peaks and troughs.

Should I adjust my account size after a win/loss?

While we won't stop you from adjusting your account size at any time, it is not necessary to manually manage your account size in order to maximise winnings/minimise losses. Our system intelligently calculates your optimal bet size based on a variety of factors, one of which is your account size.

Is there a minimum account size requirement?

We have a requirement of at least £200 per account.

This amount allows our bet sizing algorithm to work optimally - any less than £200 will result in our minimum bet size of £0.50 being used consistently, which effectively makes our algorithm redundant for these bets.