Guarantee Policy - Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before availing of our guarantee policy. By participating in this guarantee, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

  1. Eligibility:

    This guarantee is applicable only to new users who meet the specified criteria.

  2. Initial Deposit Requirement:

    Users must make an initial deposit of at least £500 upon registration to qualify for the guarantee. This deposit must be made into the bookmaker(s) suggested by our website.

  3. Withdrawal Limit:

    There is no limit on the number of withdrawals you may make, however the guarantee will not apply if your withdrawal drops your balance below £500.

  4. Signup Instructions:

    Users must follow the signup instructions provided on our website, including the designated deposit amounts for each bookmaker, to qualify for the guarantee.

  5. Verification and Betting Eligibility:

    If we are unable to login, verify funds, and confirm our ability to place bets on any given day (with no pending verification checks), that day will not count towards the 60-day guarantee period. Users will receive email notifications on each day if we are unable to fulfill any of the aforementioned requirements.

  6. Guarantee Voidance:

    Violation of the terms and conditions outlined in this policy will result in the voidance of the guarantee. Users may continue to use our service but the guarantee will not apply.

  7. Modification of Terms:

    We reserve the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. It is the user's responsibility to review and understand the terms and conditions before participating in the guarantee.

Disclaimer: Any attempts to exploit or manipulate the system in order to gain undue advantage or deliberately obtain payment through the guarantee will result in the voidance of the guarantee. This includes any actions that demonstrate the user's intention to sabotage the system working to its full capacity. Our goal is for all of our users to make money, these terms are guidelines to follow to give each user the best chance at success.